October 29, 2012

Exhibition Participation

The success rate of new product launches currently remains limited: around 7 products out of 10 have disappeared from the shop shelves three years after being launched! How can this phenomenon, which isn’t a new one and which manufacturers are struggling to turn around, be explained?

Innovations need time to become established, to convince consumers and find their ‘audience’ / target, but they do not always have the chance to do so.

The result is that manufacturers have started proposing to retailers purely tactical innovations. Although these innovations have the advantage of injecting dynamism into the range in the short term and occupying extra shelf space thereby hampering the competition, they do not generate sufficient incremental sales (no cannibalization)  in the long term.

This is because consumers’ real expectations have not been put at the center of product development in these innovations.

It is also sometimes the case that the innovation is born of a specific know-how that the manufacturer wishes to ‘impose’ as it stands on consumers,without consumers having really expressed the need for it.

It's possible to see the same thing at exhibitions, but there the main problem may be that most want to ride the wave, or copy the success of others. Most exhibitors with this strategy have lonely days at the exhibitions where they participate.

For the (at least) 5-6 years, many manufacturer have wanted to ride the energy drink wave, without offering anything new to the market. Except for a new label. A new label don't give much attention, even though pretty girls with wings might convince someone to try a product.

Our products at SIAL 2012
What did we do different and what new did we bring to the market? Amazon Secret are functional beverages and our company are (according to SIPPO) one of few that focus not only on the products, but also on sustainable use of the rainforest.

More than 100 big distributors visited us, from more than 50 countries, and they where all very interested in our products and concept. The only reason for this was that we brought something new to the market. Something unique.

What we liked most was that the young people, students, understood the concept and the benefits of the products that are targeting people from 15 to 25 and are a healthier alternative to energy drinks and soft-drinks. The products has viscosity like soft-drinks and vitamins and minerals (natural) like a fruit juice or a smoothie.

You can see more photos from SIAL on our Facebook page for the product, or read more about it on www.amazon-secret.com

October 16, 2012

The not so hot markets

In many Western Europe countries it may get worse before better.

Egypt offers long term potential, but should be avoided until political and economic stability return.

Argentinian government policies restrict imports of many food products.

  1. Spain
  2. Portugal
  3. Egypt
  4. Argentina
  5. Hungary

Top Ten Hot Markets

The 2013 Hot Markets list for food and beverage manufacturers contains many of the usual high growth countries, including three of the four BRIC giants. Not China, because many brands are already there and frustrated by the difficulties in converting consumers to new eating habits associated with international brands.

The USA tops the list as a hot market. The USA grew by 35 million people since 2000, an increase equivalent to the size of Canada.

Top Ten Hot Markets

  1. United States
  2. India
  3. Brazil
  4. Mexico
  5. South Africa
  6. Saudi Arabia
  7. South Korea
  8. Colombia
  9. Russia
  10. Poland

Achieve Preferred Supplier Status

A natural goal is to achieve “Preferred Supplier Status” with retailers and your distributors. Satisfied trading partners generate superior results.

“Vendor of the Year” does not mean “Spender of the Year”.

Market Share Expectations

The road map should be adjusted based upon the market share expectations for a selected market.

Generally, there are three scenarios for a brand to pursue.

  • Leader: Brand investment and innovation to become #1 in the category.
  • Player:  Brand plans to compete effectively, obtaining a market share of 5% -20%.
  • Participant:  Niche. Brand objective is incremental shipments with little/no investment.

Calibrate expectations to investments in brand support and management oversight. 

Everyone wants to be a category leader or player. 

To achieve this status, it is necessary to conduct local market research, innovate, maintain competitive pricing, invest in marketing, and align with a strong sales team. 

Projects fail when brands want category leadership but invest only to “niche” levels (Opportunistic Strategy)

October 14, 2012

Define the focus and change it

For many years, one of Norway's airlines (SAS), fighting with another Norwegian discount airline (NAS), advertised with, "You do not pay extra for luggage when you travel with us."

This because travelers with the competitor had to pay extra, if they had more than hand luggage.

It is a good example of competitor focused strategy.

Of course everyone knows that you have to pay the costs, but we like to think that we get as much as possible for the money we pay, so subconsciously we conclude that it is okay to pay a little more when you get something extra for free.

Always consider the consequences of your strategy and make sure that there is no reverse side.

Low-cost airlines have a lower price as strategy, but charge extra for anything that gives them extra expenses. The competitor use this business model as an advantage in their advertising.

The negative consequences of the strategy (free luggage) appears when low-cost company say: "With us, you do not pay extra when you only travel with hand luggage."

Then the statement: "You do not pay extra for luggage" is pointless. Now everyone think they are paying for it, having luggage or not.

Someone forgot that the 2'nd order consequences always must be considered. Maybe they did, but didn't do it good enough.

The competitor changed the focus to their own advantage.

Can you win the fight and is it worth winning?

You get what you tolerate, and sometimes it's better for you to tolerate less. It's easier to solve a problem before it's critical, so if you are in a position to have an opinion, let everyone know it before it's to late.

When it's too late, disagreements tend to end up in big fights.

Consider your position. Can you win the fight and is it worth winning? If not, don't waste your time fighting. You don't need to be right if you don't benefit from it. You wouldn't fight to get a broken glass, so don't fight for something not worth keeping. Being right doesn't always put you in a better position.

If you go for a confrontation; remember that Gandhi once said:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

October 13, 2012


Perfection can only be accomplished by using old knowledge in new ways.

Robert Sutton, professor of science and technology, Stanford University

Explore the links between clarity and creativity!

Seek solutions outside your own existing parameters. It may be the most important contribution to your company.

  • Eliminate blame
  • Encourage people to share their insights
  • Recognize and reward creative contributions
  • Support winning ideas with the right resources.


  • Learn from the people
  • Plan with the people
  • Begin with what they have
  • Build on what they know!

Lao-tzu, Chinese sage

Competitor focused STRATEGY

If you're new in the market, you will meet competitors who are; much stronger, more focused and are market leaders. Usually they have a traditional approach to the market and are mainly focused on their consumers, customers and their own products.

Understand the competitive environment.

Create a more competitive edge, together with greater confidence and awareness of how the competition could be beaten. Understand the strengths and vulnerabilities of your own strategy. Highlight what needs to be changed and adjusted.

October 11, 2012

Focus on "hot spots"

The most important aspect of a successful strategy execution is focus.

The right focus get people engaged. 

October 10, 2012

The UPSIDE and the EXIT

In a new project, it is more important to manage the downside, than to speculate in the upside and the exit. Most people understand why.

Upside and exit implies success 

The upside is subject to sales and market acceptance of the products or services you offer. An exit implies that the company has a substantial rise in value, which depend on the same; market acceptance.

Investors will usually ask about the upside and the exit. Don't give any promises you can't keep. If you do, you will be using more time talking to investors, than actually doing business.

Always consider the downside

There is always a potential downside, no matter what you invest in and usually for what you do. Be sure you can live with it!

October 09, 2012

How to prepare for NEGOTIATIONS?

"The first thing to decide before you walk into any negotiation is what to do if the other fellow says no"

Ernest Bevin

Then the second must be; how to react when the other "fellow" have terms and conditions you can't accept. Because you always get what you accept and knowing what that is put you in control of the situation. If you don't know, it may be an expensive experience.

It's better not to sell, than to sell and loose money!

You will not win if you don't get a profit. Be smart and prepared. Focus on what you do better than the competition. Find out what your customer want. The only way you can do that is to ask them!

Let them talk and you listen.

Remember 2 ears and 1 mouth. It's better to let the customer talk and for you to listen to what they want. Then give it to them! They buy what they want, which is not necessarily the same as what you want to sell, so be flexible. Find out what they want and explain how what you have is exactly what they want.


We don't see things as they are. We see them as we want them to be.

Sometimes there is a fine line between success and failure. It's only small details, right or wrong decisions  that separate one from the other and it's hard to take all the right decisions, because we are humans and because it's human to be influenced by emotions.

All problems started as a good idea.

That may be true, but most because we failed somewhere on the way. Wrong decisions, trusted the wrong people, didn't have goals and most important, didn't have a plan.

Be realistic and patient.

Unless you're betting on your luck and win, it takes time to succeed, so be realistic and patient and on the way, you have to do some things right, not everything, to succeed.

We know, but forget:
(So I have this list as a reminder for myself.)

  1. Set goals without defining where you are as bad and the goal as the only good. It may take time to get there.
  2. Study the success formula and remember it, always.
  3. Avoid obsessions with your product or service. Remember that others don't see things through your eyes.
  4. Have a business plan.
  5. Don't expect instant gratification. If you swing for the fences (Home run) without practice, you only succeed if you are lucky. If you are lucky, pick some numbers and play the lottery.
  6. Avoid irrational exuberance.
  7. Don't be afraid of failure, but limit the consequences. Do risk analyzes. If you can't live with the consequences  don't do it.
  8. Have a budget and follow it. Out of cash is out of business.
  9. Plan how to find customers. Be realistic. Selling to friends and family only work until a certain point.
  10. Avoid investors, unless you really need them. They may promise you heaven, but don't be surprised if they give you hell. If you can't avoid it; have them sign an agreement.
  11. When you make agreements, have them in writing. You may have intentions to follow it, but you shouldn't expect the other part to do so, if something goes wrong.
  12. Have patience, it always take more time than you think.
  13. Avoid shiny pennies. Commitment means stop looking!
  14. Successes and failures are events. Yesterday ended last night.

Most important: Don't expect others to do the job for you!


Treat it like an advantage, not a problem. Don't hide it. Your competitor told them about it.

You know you will get questions, so if you start by explaining it, your way, instead of defending it when the questions are asked, you are ahead. You will be more believable.

Find the benefits of your weakest point and emphasize the good with what is considered a problem.

Then you talk about the advantages with your product and end the presentation positive, instead of negative.

Accentuate the POSITIVE

Find out what's right about your product (or service) and then dramatize it, like a cartoonist exaggerates an action.

Providing there is a basic truth in your idea, you can dramatize it to infinity.

October 08, 2012

The Label becomes the Experience

What does it mean? It means that you decide what is good or bad and when you have labeled it, it is what you have decided.


On your way to your goal, you will see many shiny pennies that leads you away from the goal you have set for yourself. Shiny pennies are what seems like good opportunities, when you see them, so you go from the path to the goal you have.

If you're smart you're also curious. In other words, your strength may be your weakness.

On your way you will see many shiny pennies. You run for it, look at it, but after a week or two, you decide it's not it. It's not what you want, so you go back to your path.

It's OK to be curious, but not to be too curious.

The solution is to have a long term perspective.

Use one day every month as a "learning day" and look at shiny pennies. Then you get back in line and continue towards your goal.

When is Nudity in Advertising Sexist?

There’s nudity in advertising that is sexist and degrading and there's nudity that isn't. What’s the difference? Probably it's in most cases a matter of opinion, and in most cases the opinion isn't objective.

Some questions may determine whether an advertisement with a naked woman is sexist or not. Below is an example of how a wallpaper for our brand Bodyshield could be done.

If you don't know anything about the product, it may appear to be a sexist advertising.

If you see more than a naked body, you may conclude that it may have a purpose that the woman is naked. Or it may not. It's up to you to decide.

So the questions, to determine whether the wallpaper is sexist or not:

  1. Why is she naked?
    Most agree that vitamins and antioxidants protect the body, but it's not something you see with your eyes, so the purpose is to illustrate that the body has an invisible protection, when you consume the product. Even when you're naked. It is the purpose of the product.
  2. Does her body obey the basic laws of physics?Those with a little awareness know that all ads are photo-shopped  Something is cropped out, colors are fixed, but deleting a stomach or re-size breasts so there is no way that breasts that big can be physically supported by a waist that tiny. Women are made to look illogically skinny, but we all know that most women don't look like that way. The woman on the wall paper is more curvy than those used in advertisements, whether they are with clothes or without. She's not fat, nor skinny. The body does very much obey the basic laws of physics.
  3. What is she doing (while naked)?
    A naked body is a natural thing, a human thing and all humans must be afforded some level of dignity. The woman in the picture has a lot of dignity. It's what she does. Have dignity.
  4. Would we do the same to men’s bodies?
    Sure, why not, but women may enjoy a different kind of wall paper on the PC, so it might be a waste of time to create it?
People have different opinions, so we will probably feel more secure if we choose an different approach to our advertising.

For some, perhaps the wallpaper is sexist?

If you want to download a 1900 x 1200 wallpaper, it's available here (click).
(Sorry, no other sizes available. It was made for illustration purposes only)

DESTINY - What is it?

Is it just an excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen?

The Kabalarian Philosophy reveals that names given at birth create an energy field of intelligence from which individuals draw and around which their lives revolve.

Does this mean that two people with the same name have identical destinies?

If you change your name, will you change your destiny?

If I analyze my name, which you can do with yours on this page (click), I get this result:

  • The name of Jan gives you a very individual, reserved, serious nature.
    (May be true, but I'm not convinced it comes from my name)
  • You prefer to be alone with your own thoughts, rather than in the company of others.
  • This name restricts spontaneity in association and the fluency of your verbal expression.
    (Not sure about that, but most people may benefit from being more spontaneous and I think I'm OK when it comes to verbal expression)
  • When you are required to express yourself in personal matters requiring finesse and diplomacy, you feel awkward and embarrassed.
    (Diplomacy is required in many situations and it's more natural than awkward)
  • Although you realize perfectly well what is expected of you, you are unable to find the right words, and hence you end up saying something inappropriate in a candid way.
    (Only when I want a confrontation).
  • You can express your deeper thoughts and feelings best through writing.
    (As most people. Writing gives a chance to do some editing and second thoughts)
  • While the name Jan creates the urge to be creative, independent and original, we point out that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a tendency to be moody.
    (Guilty - I have an urge to be creative, independent and original. Moody? My wife may agree!)
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses heart, lungs, bronchial area, and tension or accidents to the head.
    (I think we have covered most of it here, except that I've only seen a doctor 2 times the last 15 years, so I don't know if I have a bad heart, lungs, bronchial area. I only know that I've never had any accidents to the head, but of course, it's never too late, so it might be true.)
The only thing that is unavoidable, is death and the tax collector, so maybe we all have the same destiny!

Have a business plan

Starting a business with no set plan on how to get customers is like diving into a swimming pool without water. It's impossible to swim without water and it's impossible to run a business without customers.

If you start your business, the customers will come!

If you have a lot of time and a lot of money, that may be true, but in most cases it's not.

It's not what you do, it's how you do it!

You need to find your customers. To do that you have to go out and talk with them. Remember, they may not need what you want to sell. It's you who have to adjust to the customers and give them what they need.

Take a look at the success formula.

October 07, 2012

Present on Tuesday

  • Monday - Great meeting, great products, nice people.
  • Tuesday - Great meeting, great people, nice products.
  • Wednesday - Good meeting, very fresh products, lovely young people.
  • Thursday - Yet another great meeting, nice people, fine products.
  • Friday - Another meeting, I don't know.
The odds are that the customer will pick what was presented on Tuesday, if all are competing suppliers, because he/she was clear-headed then.

Monday was too early, nothing to judge by.

Wednesday and Thursday were like eating too much chocolate.

Friday, feeling sick.

Present on Tuesday!

How to improve your strike rate

Lines (slogans) win business

Repeat the line. Repeat the line. Repeat the line.

Instead of covering the walls, presentations, flyers, etc., with different ideas, placing your slogan as an afterthought in the bottom right hand corner of the advertisement, make it an integral part of the headline.

Every advertisement is an opportunity to print your idea or concept in the customers mind.

Don't try to impress your customers with too much information. The message may be too complex and too long.

Repeat the line.

'CREATIVE', what does it mean?

It means something completely different for each and every individual  For one it may mean; 'The same as the competitors have, but different'.

To others it may mean; 'The same as we've had for the last twenty years, but not quite'.

99% will want something they recognize from experience.

It has been alleged that Procter & Gamble's maxim is 'Creativity with a Precedent'.

Only one in thousands will really mean; 'Give me something I haven't seen before'.

If you need to be creative for someone else, find out exactly what they mean by the word 'creative'.

It's probably different from your definition.


Do not try to win awards

Who doesn't like to win awards? Awards create glamour and glamour generate income, but beware.

Awards are judged in a committee by consensus of what is known. In other words, what is fashion.

Be true to your subject.

You will be far more likely to create something that is timeless.

That's where the true art lies.


Get out of advertising

90% of advertising inspiration comes from other advertising.

Certainly, a knowledge of the techniques and the tricks of advertising can be very useful, probably essential. People do look for something new, but sometimes it's something new to copy.

To be original, seek your inspiration from unexpected sources!


Don't give a speech - Put on a show

How many speeches have you heard? How many do you remember?

Words, words, words...

In a song, first we remember the melody and then we learn the words.

Instead of giving people the benefits of your wit and wisdom (words), try painting a picture.

The more visual your presentation is, the more people will remember it.

More important, they will remember you!


October 06, 2012

Out-of-cash = Out-of-business

This is the most important thing! You need cash to be in business.

  • Always control the cash flow.
  • Good marketing (not advertising, that's something different).
  • Execute intelligent management (intelligence before emotions).
  • Have leverage.
  • Measure the scoreboard (analyze the results)
  • Have no irrational exuberance
  • Have no expectations of instant gratification.
  • Avoid obsessions.
  • Know the success formula.
Accept to pay the price!

The price is hard work and commitment!

It's right to be wrong

Start being wrong and suddenly anything is possible. There's now way knowing what can happen, but there's more chance of it being amazing than if you try to be right.

Of course, being wrong is a risk!

You don't suggest stupid things because you worry what others will think.

Risk are a measure of people. People who won't take them are trying to preserve what they have.

People who do take them often end up by having more.

Some risks have a future, and some call them wrong, but being right may be like walking backwards proving where you have been!

Do you want to move backward, or forward?

October 05, 2012

It's wrong to be right

Being right is based upon knowledge and experience, something that is often provable.

Knowledge comes from the past, so it's safe. It is also out of date, so it's the opposite of originality.

Experience is built from solutions to old situations and problems, which probably are different from the present ones, so old solutions will have to be bent to fit new problems, and possibly, it will fit badly. Also the likelihood is that, if you've got the experience, you'll probably use it and it's lazy!

Experience is the opposite of being creative!

If you can prove you're right, your mind is closed and you are not open to new ideas. You are rooted in your own rightness.

You can choose to be right or you can choose to be successful!

Precondition of success

Failure is a major contributor to success and success without failure is a lousy teacher.

Benjamin Franklin said; "I haven't failed, I've had 10.000 ideas that didn't work."

Thomas Edison said; "Of the 200 light bulbs that didn't work, every failure told me something that I was able to incorporate into the next attempt."

They understood that failures are a precondition of success.

Experiments may fail, but you have not failed before you give up!


Solving problems

If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules!

Think out of the box!

If you can't solve a problem, forget what you learned in school, it's more than one answer, and more than one way to solve a problem.

It's all your fault!

If you are involved in something that goes wrong, never blame no one but yourself.

If you accept responsibility, you are in a position to do something about it, unless you are an apprentice working with Mr. Trump. Then you're, in most cases, fired!

The point is that, whatever other people's failings might be, you are the one to shoulder the responsibility.

There are no excuses!

Do not seek praise. Seek criticism

It is quite easy to get an approval if we ask enough people, or if we ask those who are likely to tell us what we want to hear.

So if you have done an acceptable piece of work, you will have proved to yourself that it's good simply because others have said so.

Probably OK, but probably not great either.

If you, instead of seeking approval, ask what is wrong, how you can make it better, you are more likely to get a truthful critical answer.

You may even get an idea, how to improve.

Still you are in a position to reject the criticism, if you think it's wrong.

Can you find fault with this?

October 04, 2012


is 75% of the job. If you haven't got it, be nice!

Don't promise what you can't deliver

When selling it is very easy to over-promise, imagining how it will be, but it leaves no room for failure. The result may be disappointing, maybe not disastrous, but a little less than expected.

Maybe no one  will say anything, they just won't trust you quite as much next time.

If instead you undersell, pointing out the possible weaknesses and how to resolve them, should they occur, you are not only building a trusting relationship with your client, you are also able to solve any problems.

If it turn out the way you hoped, it is a bonus.

Our web-site: sorze4.com 

Irrational exuberance

Some of the big mistakes we do is:

  • Allowing emotions to influence our decisions.
  • Having inability to listen or ask.
  • Ignore risks.
  • Need to be right - You can be right or you can be successful.
Nothing is more stupid than running enthusiastic in the wrong direction.

The solution:
  • Put intellect before emotions.
  • Think
  • Ask the risk questions
The risk questions are:
  1. What is the upside?
  2. What is the downside?
  3. Can you live with the downside?
Remember that all problems comes from good ideas!

October 03, 2012

Discomfort makes changes

When it comes to business, politics or private life, discomfort is what drives us toward changes.

When someone says that you should not complain, or ask for changes, because everything is very good, it is wrong. When you're Sitting in a comfortable chair, you know that sooner or later you will have to move to find a more comfortable position.

Ask your customer, or those you live with, what they feel could be better.

Ask what you can do better!

Find out what they want!

Instant Gratification

is something that rarely occurs if one wants to start a new business. Hoping for a home-run in the first attempt is not a good strategy.

Long-term perspective is what you need.

Know that it gets worse before it gets better.

Anyone who is first in line today started last in line. Hold your place in line. It will soon be your turn and you have time to get better at what you do. Practice to get better.

Good is not exceptional!

October 02, 2012


Mothers love their babies and we can probably assume that no mother thinks she have an ugly baby, but some babies are ugly, so where do they come from?

Likewise; no product developer think they have bad products, and no service providers think they offer a bad service, so where do all the bad products and bad service come from?

Obsession with the products.

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when doing business, assuming success is the result of a product's quality.

Many people have made themselves rich by selling bad products.

McDonald's sells more hamburgers than anyone else in the world. Does that mean they have the world's best hamburger?

It's never what you do, it's how you do it!

Success formula

The success formula I like most is the one learned from Keith J. Cunningham, one that matches our own ideas.

It is easy to understand and easy to deal with and you understand why it is the correct one:


Now, you might ask the same question that I asked myself when Keith wrote this on a flip over? What is the FOWTN, GAGI and GITT?

  1. FOWTN: Find out what they need (ask them)!
  2. GAGI: Go and get it.
  3. GITT: Give it to them.
In combination with Albert Einstein's success formula, you will be on the right track:
  1. Work hard.
  2. Play hard.
  3. Keep your mouth shut.
Einstein's no.3 is what you use with Keith J. Cunningham's no.1. When you ask them what they need, you listen. You don't talk. 

It's not about what you need to sell. It's about what the market (customer) need to buy!

Visit our web-site: http://sorze4.com/en/ 

Setting Goals

When setting goals for yourself, or your company, you should avoid defining where you are as BAD and your goal as the only GOOD. The label becomes the experience and you may put yourself in a bad position, even when you're not.

Goals are a good thing, but don't declare failure if you don't reach them as soon as you expect. A long term  perspective is what is needed and you should know that ordinary things consistently done gives extraordinary results.

October 01, 2012

Why our Prebiotic fibers may be good

What is it?

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system in ways claimed to be beneficial to health.

The prebiotic definition does not emphasize a specific bacterial group. Generally, however, it is assumed that a prebiotic should increase the number and/or activity of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria. The importance of the bifidobacteria and the lactic acid bacteria (LABs) is that these groups of bacteria may have several beneficial effects on the host, especially in terms of improving digestion (including enhancing mineral absorption) and the effectiveness and intrinsic strength of the immune system. A product that stimulates bifidobacteria is considered a bifidogenic factor. Some prebiotics may thus also act as a bifidogenic factor and vice versa, but the two concepts are not identical.

Read more on Wikipedia.

Significant possible effects related to consumer’s satisfaction.
Improve Calcium Absorption: The prebiotic fiber is a natural way to help you increase the absorption of calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Improve Magnesium absorption.

Helps to maintain a strong immune system by building a healthy lower intestinal tract which enhances the absorption of nutrients and helps to maintain proper digestion. Makes it easy to enjoy better-for-you food choices as it also enhances flavors and improves textures.

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system in ways claimed to be beneficial to health. Reduction of colorectal cancer risk, inflammatory bowel disorders (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).

Read more about our Prebiotic beverage, Bodyshield and more about Prebiotic fibers on sorze4.com.