October 08, 2012

DESTINY - What is it?

Is it just an excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen?

The Kabalarian Philosophy reveals that names given at birth create an energy field of intelligence from which individuals draw and around which their lives revolve.

Does this mean that two people with the same name have identical destinies?

If you change your name, will you change your destiny?

If I analyze my name, which you can do with yours on this page (click), I get this result:

  • The name of Jan gives you a very individual, reserved, serious nature.
    (May be true, but I'm not convinced it comes from my name)
  • You prefer to be alone with your own thoughts, rather than in the company of others.
  • This name restricts spontaneity in association and the fluency of your verbal expression.
    (Not sure about that, but most people may benefit from being more spontaneous and I think I'm OK when it comes to verbal expression)
  • When you are required to express yourself in personal matters requiring finesse and diplomacy, you feel awkward and embarrassed.
    (Diplomacy is required in many situations and it's more natural than awkward)
  • Although you realize perfectly well what is expected of you, you are unable to find the right words, and hence you end up saying something inappropriate in a candid way.
    (Only when I want a confrontation).
  • You can express your deeper thoughts and feelings best through writing.
    (As most people. Writing gives a chance to do some editing and second thoughts)
  • While the name Jan creates the urge to be creative, independent and original, we point out that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a tendency to be moody.
    (Guilty - I have an urge to be creative, independent and original. Moody? My wife may agree!)
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses heart, lungs, bronchial area, and tension or accidents to the head.
    (I think we have covered most of it here, except that I've only seen a doctor 2 times the last 15 years, so I don't know if I have a bad heart, lungs, bronchial area. I only know that I've never had any accidents to the head, but of course, it's never too late, so it might be true.)
The only thing that is unavoidable, is death and the tax collector, so maybe we all have the same destiny!

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