November 05, 2013

Launching your products in the international market

There are many strategies you can choose if you want to launch your product(s) in the international market. Most of them are probably wrong and the right strategy definitely depends on the product.

What is probably more important than your product, yes, we all have the best product, but still, if quality is what is required to succeed, how come Starbucks and McDonald's have succeeded better than most?

It's not only about the quality

That shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone. Success is only about being prepared when an opportunity presents itself. If you have the right contacts, mingle in the right circles, then opportunities will be presented more often.

If you don't have the contacts; well, then you have to find some.

Two ways to get the right contacts

The most expensive way to get contacts may be exhibiting at an international trade fair, but if you have the money, you're likely to find some.

If you don't have the money, or don't want to use the money you have to, if you want to exhibit at a big international exhibition, well then you have to see if you can find someone willing to help you, or cooperate with you.

On our website we have posted pages about international launch and international exhibitions. You may find them interesting if you plan on operating in an international market.